Batteries! Whatsapp will not work on these phones - Lau Dumé


domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

Batteries! Whatsapp will not work on these phones

 whatsapp will stop working for the following devices

WhatsApp has monopolized more and more users and its instant messaging service is now not only used for recreational purposes, but many academic and even work activities are carried out from there.

For this reason, the importance of the service to play a fundamental role for many users and knowing that your device will start to be incompatible with the service can cause several inconveniences.

From its official page, WhatsApp informed its users that several changes would be coming to the platform. This is the list of devices that will no longer have the service:

Cell phones that still work with the Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system.
Devices with Android 4.1 or lower operating system.

To find out if your device is one of the inadmissible mobiles, you just have to go to the configuration or settings section, go to the System Information tab and there you will find the specifications.

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